Let's say you're one of the top Cabal who has an active interest in keeping all the world's most popular celebrities, rich people, and elite in line.
You'd need to spy on them to do so.
How do you trick all these people who are paranoid and suspicious just like you into accepting spying software onto their mobile devices for 24/7 surveillance?
Well, you do what every preschool teacher does -- offer them a shiny badge which says they are super duper special for following your rules.
That's what the Blue Checkmark is.
It's a sign you're being spied on. It's a sign you're "one of the gang."
Like every other "secret" cult, access to the higher rungs of the ladder comes with a certain responsibility and sacrifice of your private autonomy.
The Blue Checkmark was set up by @snowden and @jack in order to provide a spying apparatus to the Global Elites. By applying for a Blue Checkmark you're actually begging them to spy on you, above and beyond the normal spying that the Twitter app already does. We're talking 24/7 surveillance, practically with your own personal satellite and GPS tracker to make sure you're always being monitored, even if you try to ditch your phone.
This ensures no celebrities can go "AWOL." It makes sure none of the dancing monkeys can leave the plantation.
How do I know Snowden and Jack set this system up?
Because Q told us in Post 895.
Every user on Twitter will soon be able to apply for a coveted blue tick verification mark, the company’s CEO Jack Dorsey said in a live stream on Thursday.
Allowing @Snowden access/censorship/tracking. [+sharing groups C-9/all] [+trace upload that tone recognizes other devices w/ active geo [all sig devices].
Why did @snowden run around Asia and Russia (allegedly)?
Because he wasn't just on the run. He was busy installing the Blue Checkmark spyware to servers across the globe. He was installing "PROJECT DEEPDREAMv2[A]]."
The more you know...
The posts paint a picture. This is why @snowden isn't getting a pardon any time soon. That and he also almost took down Q(group) back before they got off the ground... but that's a story for another time.
This is also a good indication of why Trump isn't getting back on Twitter anytime soon, unless for a very particular message ("My fellow Americans...")
He would have to sign up to being spied on again.
For now, he just forgot his password...
Good point, but you can't spy on Trump through Twitter. He can afford to have a clean dedicated static server to do tweets which gives no info or disinfo to Twitter.
If we had his resources, we could all have separate devices and VPNs for all of our different services and the alphabet agencies would have a much harder time integrating all their info, especially if the separate devices provided disinfo to the servers.
It's not just the phone.
Any electronic device in proximity is also targeted.
Installing Twitter as an app is like inviting a vampire into your home. It doesn't matter if you have the garlic and crucifix then, you've done goofed regardless.