He loathed her with a passion. Told many stories of her freak-outs and how she attacked Bill, totally unstable demoniac. Poor guy lived in constant fear of being Arkancided, died of cancer about a year ago.
I remember him. He knew he was dying so he spilled the beans on her. I distinctly remember him saying 1) she stunk - literally - could smell her feet away 2) met her at DNC she wore a badge that said 'proud member of the American communist party'.
He loathed her with a passion. Told many stories of her freak-outs and how she attacked Bill, totally unstable demoniac. Poor guy lived in constant fear of being Arkancided, died of cancer about a year ago.
I remember him. He knew he was dying so he spilled the beans on her. I distinctly remember him saying 1) she stunk - literally - could smell her feet away 2) met her at DNC she wore a badge that said 'proud member of the American communist party'.
He admitted to being their hit man, got saved and repented.