Ian and many of you commenting here missed the entire point of the movie.
Misinterpreting Hollywood movies is one thing, but why would Ian attack those who have risked everything to share a much more disturbing reality about the small city of Racine, Wisconsin?
We were just called a faggot by u/Oh_Well_Ian on another post about Art in Embassies. Why? We were sharing details about how Art in Embassies is closely connected to Racine, Wisconsin.
We knew Oh Well Ian was aware of the connections because they were on Voat and engaged in many conversations about Racine on Voat. We simply pointed this out and included more details on the connections.
This is how Ian responded:
And I am well aware. I hope you're not implying that I'm leaving out information, intentionally.
How about rather than asking a whole series of rhetorical questions, you just give us the answers to your long-winded and often disappointing teases.
When questioned about that response, they deleted their comments, and when that was noticed, they dug deeper:
Because I insulted you and I didn't want you running to mods, like a faggot.
Go harass Paul Ryan, you fake
To anyone not aware of what happened on Voat, there is a much deeper story.
Also, is Paul Ryan a good guy being “harassed,” or should he and his corrupt district of Racine be exposed?
u/into_the_continuum is one who followed the story on Voat, and knows why Ian and others would lash out like this.
Our response to Ian:
Is that what happened on Voat?
Or did you befriend the corrupt moderators on Voat who were doxxing, threatening and running blackmail operations and committing other crimes against users?
We know more than you could comprehend, and if you said any of that in person, you would immediately be humiliated.
Who is the fake and coward?
Go ahead and share what you know about Racine to disprove what has been shared.
Or do you know nothing about Racine except for what was shared already?
We will wait.
Maybe you should all watch the movie again, and then help expose the Root of their entire Agenda, Racine, Wisconsin.
What is the significance of Ben Hecht who grew up in Racine?
Ian and many of you commenting here missed the entire point of the movie.
Misinterpreting Hollywood movies is one thing, but why would Ian attack those who have risked everything to share a much more disturbing reality about the small city of Racine, Wisconsin?
We were just called a faggot by u/Oh_Well_Ian on another post about Art in Embassies. Why? We were sharing details about how Art in Embassies is closely connected to Racine, Wisconsin.
We knew Oh Well Ian was aware of the connections because they were on Voat and engaged in many conversations about Racine on Voat. We simply pointed this out and included more details on the connections.
This is how Ian responded:
When questioned about that response, they deleted their comments, and when that was noticed, they dug deeper:
To anyone not aware of what happened on Voat, there is a much deeper story.
Also, is Paul Ryan a good guy being “harassed,” or should he and his corrupt district of Racine be exposed?
u/into_the_continuum is one who followed the story on Voat, and knows why Ian and others would lash out like this.
Our response to Ian:
Maybe you should all watch the movie again, and then help expose the Root of their entire Agenda, Racine, Wisconsin.
What is the significance of Ben Hecht who grew up in Racine?
Michael Douglas and Joel Schumacher both know.
I don't ubdersrand what you are trying to say. Also most commenters simply stated that they liked the movie, how is that a wrong interpretation?
Do you “like” Hollywood movies even when they are directly targeting and insulting you?
They manipulate, program, torment, degenerate, mock and laugh at you while they take your time, money, thoughts and false idol worship.
Why are horror movies really made and why are there so many?
Do you really believe that A League of Their Own is about baseball or That 70s Show is just a harmless situational comedy about high school kids?
What is the real meaning of a Red Fez in a slaughterhouse community?
Both A League of Their Own and That 70s Show are about Racine, Wisconsin.
Read this question again -
What is the real meaning of a Red Fez in a slaughterhouse community?
Why did That 70s Show feature future “stars” of Freemasonry, Scientology and Kabbalah?
Point Place is Wind Point (Racine).