posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +18 / -1


While everybody picking through Smith’s biographical information are cherry picking just the political info that the click bait people always click about, nobody but me and commentators like Just Human seem to be picking the big marker about the guy that everybody else is passing over and ignoring.

He’s the most experienced war crimes prosecutor currently at the Department of Justice.

The Washington Examiner, in it’s report on Smith’s appointment, makes bare mention of this in it’s opening sentence of it’s report before skipping over to all the juicy political info they want to get to:

“Attorney General Merrick Garland selected Jack Smith, a war crimes prosecutor at The Hague, to be special counsel and investigate former President Donald Trump.” [emphasis added by Cates]

Did Garland Get Boxed In Via The Special Master Appointment?

. . . What I suspect is happening here is that that once Special Master Raymond Dearie got a look at the documents seized from Mar A Lago, he made a request of the Attorney General. A request that Garland couldn’t refuse.

And that request let to the selection of an experienced war crimes prosecutor to handle the investigation of the crimes those explosive documents from the Mar A Lago raid exposed.

Was the black hat faction inside the FBI tricked into literally handing the evidence to a Special Master - and now a Special Counsel - that is going to expose massive crimes committed under previous US Presidents - as well as the current one? (Bold added by Narg)

Cates isn't always right but he's always interesting, does careful research, and is right more often than not. He knows this particular piece runs against received wisdom and has this to say about it:

I understand some people believe these questions never will be answered by John Durham. Or by anybody else.

But I am not one of them.

While a lot of media commentators are confidently pontificating that the Danchenko trial was the end of the entire Durham affair, and that the elderly prosecutor is now spending his days taking his own sweet, sweet time writing his final report, I’ve made it very clear I don’t think that’s what’s happening. The next story in the chapter of the Durham Special Counsel investigation is not going to be Durham rolling out his final report.

I’m the guy who got it right from November of 2020 all the way through August of 2021 as everybody else confidently said Biden and Garland had shut Durham down.

Just keep that in mind.

I’m used to being the lone voice in the wilderness, the cold logical analyst who doesn’t allow emotions or impatient expectations to color his analysis. By July of 2021 Epoch was getting angry letters demanding they fire me for continuing to write that the Durham SCO hadn’t ended it’s investigation and indictments were coming.

But I was right then. And I’m still convinced I’m right now.

We’ll see what happens.