Sorry that your little one got sick, and I'm glad you're all recovered. RSV has always been difficult to deal with, but I'm assuming that the vaccine shedding of Covid jabbed kids to other kids are making a lot of children sick. Additionally, it is the fall/winter seasons, and vitamin D levels will be lower in everyone. Please increase your vitamin intake (don't forget probiotics--I like Visbiome they have so many studies on its effectiveness to reduce C-diff and they have a super pro one for infants), and tell everyone around you to do the same.
RSV itself has been around forever. This is just another scare tactic to get parents to do another jab and rely on the western healthcare cabal & Big Pharma even more, while covering up Covid jab's effects on children. I wonder if their next medical explanation/cover-up story will be that RSV is causing heart damage, inflammation, and heart attacks in children.
I know this is not the topic at hand, but my 3 year old got rsv in daycare and my whole family ended up getting it. It was a truly brutal experience
Yep All those vaxed folks will be sickness factories that will get you sick. Everyone should be taking D and Zinc daily
Sorry that your little one got sick, and I'm glad you're all recovered. RSV has always been difficult to deal with, but I'm assuming that the vaccine shedding of Covid jabbed kids to other kids are making a lot of children sick. Additionally, it is the fall/winter seasons, and vitamin D levels will be lower in everyone. Please increase your vitamin intake (don't forget probiotics--I like Visbiome they have so many studies on its effectiveness to reduce C-diff and they have a super pro one for infants), and tell everyone around you to do the same.
RSV itself has been around forever. This is just another scare tactic to get parents to do another jab and rely on the western healthcare cabal & Big Pharma even more, while covering up Covid jab's effects on children. I wonder if their next medical explanation/cover-up story will be that RSV is causing heart damage, inflammation, and heart attacks in children.