PSA: ENTER AT YOUR PERIL! Just a fren-dly reminder that, obviously, the Hunter Biden laptop content is potentially RADIOACTIVE! Please exercise the utmost care to ensure that all Hunter posts are legal (NSFW OK, but zero CP, graphic nudity, etc.) and contain no bannable content! Thank you, frogs! 🐸

I've had a copy of Hunter's hard drive for over two years. I got it from a friend who works in a news organization. Steve Bannon, on his show, had tried to distribute it to media outlets in 2020. No MSM outlets accepted.
The copy Bannon had been distributing was curated to remove any graphic material that would be illegal to possess. It's likely that Giuliani and Bernie Kerik curated it before giving a copy to Bannon. That is the copy everyone else has now. There should be no illegal graphic content on it, since that content never made it past Giuliani before he handed it over to Delaware PD. The Delaware AG and FBI took possession of that copy.
Make a magnet link and send it, I will seed that fucker forever.
Is it a 1:1 copy? Encrypted?
Or however you wanna get a copy to me I'll make a magnet and spread it far and wide.