PSA: ENTER AT YOUR PERIL! Just a fren-dly reminder that, obviously, the Hunter Biden laptop content is potentially RADIOACTIVE! Please exercise the utmost care to ensure that all Hunter posts are legal (NSFW OK, but zero CP, graphic nudity, etc.) and contain no bannable content! Thank you, frogs! 🐸

If you need to see cp to be against crimes against children, you're seriously fucked up.
Did you need to see it to know it's wrong?
I don't need to see, those who don't believe need to see.
Again, lets use our brains a little bit here. Your the fucked up one, the world needs to know the truth.
What are you going to do, go around and force everyone who doesn't believe it to view it?
No, of course not. People will have to go looking for it to see it. And the type of people who go looking for cp don't tend to care about having viewers or makers of cp arrested.
You're not going to get rid of cp by spreading cp.
This is not about getting rid of CP, this is about exposing the highest powers in sex trafficking. This needs to spread so far that these people who are asleep will just happen to come across it, so they know the truth.
This is what is going to unite humanity and if your working against that, your apart of the problem. You are so far gone, no one is wanting to jerk off to this trash, its to show the world what has been happening. Get real here, this is going to happen whether you like it or not. Good luck coping.
Fine. By all means. Do what you're proposing. After you've continually argued in favor of it on a publicly accessible forum known to be monitored by federal agents.
It's an absolutely splendid idea and will definitely have the outcome that you envision. You'll be hailed as a hero.
You most definitely won't be accused of spreading child pornography and be thrown into prison.
And once in prison, and it gets around that you're in there for spreading child pornography, you definitely won't get gang banged as often as possible. Because I'm sure Cletus and Big John will see your side of the benefits you're claiming spreading child pornography will bring.
I 100% regret my efforts in trying to point out to you why it's a bad idea. You obviously have much more sense than I do.
Good luck.