For those that don't know... On 11/12 (3 days before Trump addressed the nation) at a WW2 airshow event a crash between two war planes occured. This was in Dallas, of all places. A P-63 King Cobra (a snake, 63=1963?) ran through and cut the tail off a B-17 bomber causing them to both plunge to the ground. I'm not the first to notice the oddness of this event and I was just wondering if anyone here thought this was some sort of very public communication/cabal ritual and not a happenstance crash?
Yeah, it was a very sad crash to see. I've been an aviation/airshow fan my whole life, so I always take note of the crashes. 5 years ago, I'd have thought nothing strange about it. But now? I don't know. Lots of weird things going on there and we are supposed to believe they are no coincidences. Can the controls of an old fighter like that be taken over remotely?
I would say, No, but it could be possible if it was suitably modified.
In WW2, bombers were sometimes used as drones. They were packed with explosives. A pilot would get them airborne and going the right way then the controls would be operated from another plane while the first pilot baled out. You need to do quite a lot of work on the plane to make that happen, though, because they were all very manual in those days.
There is a story about one such plane. The detonator for the explosives onboard was controlled electrically. In one airbase they put the circuit up on the wall somewhere. An airman, who had no qualifications in electronics, looked at the circuit and spotted an issue. He felt it was dangerous.
He reported it up the chain of command but at each stage he was told that the circuit was designed by experts and who was he to find fault. Sadly, the plan did blow up in the air and that is how JFK's eldest broither died. He was the pilot of the drone.
A TV docuentary thought that the airman had spotted a possible issue if changes did not happen as fast as usual. A certain component would overheat. It is not known whether that caused the accident.