posted ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists ago by LeftiesAreTheRacists +12 / -0

So Disney plus released this show Andor which is a prequel to their spin-off Rogue One, one of the many Star Wars shows they've done like Mandalorian, Obi Wan and Book of Boba Fett but probably destined to be the least popular

At first the response to it was ok with a 74 on metacritic which is about average. The episodes I've seen seem fairly cheap to me, if being objective about acting quality/directing/etc. Mandalorian seemed like it had more money and effort put into it, this one tried to be more real but also loses some of the flashy parts of Star Wars. The viewership for Andor is apparently relatively low compared to some of the other shows.

Like halfway through the season, Andor started to become trendier for critics and leftoid type people, tv journos started to get clickbait articles out of stuff like "Why aren't people watching Andor?". Maybe Disney paying some critics off got the ball rolling originally. Then it keeps snowballing of people hyping it up more and more until the sheeple type people on places like r/television can't stop talking bout Andor every day like it's the best show on TV and it gets tons of critics writing think pieces pushing it. I would bet that Andor jumps to 90 on metacritic next year spends the rest of its lifetime being one of the most critically acclaimed, Emmy winning shows. It's now "made" in that department. I just tried watching it again now and as someone with confidence in my opinion, I came away even more convinced it's just not there.

See it'd be one thing if this was their honest opinion, and maybe for some it is, but for most it's obviously not. It was obviously cultivated because of seeing Andor become trendy with other people. The way these NPC brains work, when they see something becoming buzzy like that, they go in already expecting to see what their tv critic authority figures and other people online told them to see, and they're filtering only the arguments for it and ignoring all the ones against it. They're not having an honest, individual emotional experience, everything is tied to their collectivist/social views leaning on what other people think.

Of course, their views on politics are the same way, that's how you end up with the r/politics type of users that just seem to be parroting what media sources tell them.