This new film might be the turning point to convince the people we love to finally take it seriously.
Just wanted to know from my only friends in the world, what are the best detox methods? I can search but wondering if anyone has updated info on the best practices/supplements?
Im guessing ivermectin, but who knows since they've gotten the vax such a long time ago.
My plan is to show them the film, and then tell them what I've researched to help detox. That's all I can do.
Trying to follow God's path rather than my selfish anger towards those who called me crazy, mentally ill, and conspiracy theorist.
Following this film, I knew the info in there already but could never deliver it as well as this film did. This may be the opportunity for us to finally show that this "conspiracy theory" was actually fact. Then convince them to do something about it.
I wasn't happy because I was right. I am fuckin sad that my whole family took this thing. I'm the only one who didn't out of like 50 relatives. I tried to convince them all.Not one listened to me.
I find fault in myself for not being able to deliver it in a way to convince at least one person not to get it. I failed in that aspect. I feel immense guilt.
I think God is showing us, all we have is him. This is completely apparent to me now. We are being stripped from every aspect. Economy, Govt, Country, Family, Jobs, food. The only place we will be able to turn is through Christ. These events are lessons from God. I think we can all agree on that.
You guys truly were the only friends I had during these years. I am very grateful for you guys. This was such a tough time for all of us.
Isolated, mocked, hurt, thrown away. We faced all of those with the power of God behind us. And we never backed down from the truth. In that, without trying to prideful, is something we can be happy about. God gave me that courage to look like a lunatic. It definitely wasn't me.
'In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act'- Orwell
Thanks in advance friends. The Great Awakening. What a time to be alive.
Every person's body reacts different to the "vaccine". You body is filled with toxins, but it can be somewhat manageable. There is no cure as of now...
A good idea is to go to a naturopath and find out what the person's body is deficient in. Vitamins/minerals can be used up when the body detoxifies from the spike proteins being produced. My ex GF has to get constant injections of vitamin D (100,000 IU injections) every couple months. After she got the jab she is constantly deficient. Lots of people who died from "covid" were vitamin D deficient. So this is a very interesting interaction.
They've found EDTA IV injections used in detoxifying people from heavy metal poisoning works with dissolving Graphene Oxide in the body.
The person needs to supplement with lots of antioxidants, as that's how the body clears toxins and sick cells from the body. The body will keep producing spike proteins but the toxins produced can be manageable.
Some important antioxidants are: Ivermectin (injects oxygen into the cells), Chlorine Dioxide, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC, Glutathione... You can search for more. Support your immune system as much as possible.
I also think it's important to have a good clean source of filtered water that filters out all chemicals/contaminants like flouride and chlorine. You need a good clean source to properly flush your body... I bought a 6-stage water filter from amazon, it's inexpensive and it's the best water I've ever tasted.. I've never been so thirsty!
Here's the filter I bought... APEC Water Systems 6-Stage Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System:
TRS is a great metal detox too