Inb4 religion...Whats is a good reason why you havent armed yourself? With everything going on around us, it might benefit the world as a whole for you to equip yourself with an equalizer.
Go buy a cheap pistol at the very least and learn to put rounds on target. We need all the backup we can get.
You need to get your head out of the 'everything glows' mindset, amigo. It was a fun, and perhaps helpful, meme a while back. But now, we definitely need to start to take a stand - be bolder and less meek. The war is coming. We all know it. And we do know that the fbi, cia, etc are out to trap us. But FUCK THEM. They need to learn that we are not longer paranoid about what they might do to us. Like Red Dawn Radio says, "The first few men to take a stand are going down. Just the way it is. Sacrificed and made an 'example of'. But after that, the flood gates are open and there will be no stopping the trend they set." I hope that makes sense, amigo. Sorry about the long post, but I see so many men who've gotten stuck in what appears to be an 'overly paranoid' state, and I hate to see it. Buy more ammo, amigo, and God bless.