Thanksgiving Play by Play: GAW Edition
Share you degenerate family stories from your family get togethers.
So my cousin is a male model and involved in Hollywood type shit. He tells me that he got drugged and woke up to a prominent porn producer sucking his cock. I asked why he didn't report it to the police or take matters into his own hands.
Apparently I'm a bad person for calling him a faggot who is spineless so this Thanksgiving I'm spending with my dog who happens to be far better company than my family. Won't even go into the time my aunt and cousins attempted to kidnap my grandmother suffering from dementia. My family is awful.
"The more people I meet the more I like my dog"
Sounds like my half of the family on the left coast
I lived in Commiefornia for a year and it certainly wasn't for me. I will take a lower wage than ever go back to the Left Coast.