Thanksgiving Play by Play: GAW Edition
Share you degenerate family stories from your family get togethers.
Everyone is a conservative in my immediate family. In-laws triple vaxxed and on the Fox bullshite RE Trump needs to step aside for a more palatable Republican.
Dad - just had his Afib due to blood clots shocked back to normal; you guessed it: triple vaxxed.
Sister just told me her 46yo SIL was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer - out of no where (triple vaxxed). My triple vaxxed pharmacist sister is shocked and can’t believe all the people with serious health issues immediately in her circle.
Does this count as “the end won’t be for everyone”? …when Died Suddenly starts knocking on your door.
None of it will be discussed. No connections made. Maybe just the fact that “S” was just diagnosed while my FIL receives treatment for HIS stomach cancer (existed pre-Covid but also triple vaxxed)
…can someone pass the 🍷???
I truly believe some people think this is how it was before 2020. The hypnosis is strong. Sometimes the only antidote to those people is to start preaching their side of the story but really get fucking nuts with it. Go off the rails left wing nut case