Had a family member spend multiple days in the hospital recently. Luckily wasn’t COVID, still wasn’t good.
One of the nurses was telling the family member—after learning the fam wasn’t vaccinated—that even the doctors at our local hospital are finally starting to question the vaccines and their side effects. At least, amongst themselves and the staff. They aren’t at the point they’re speaking publicly about it yet. They have, however, told the administration there’s no way in hell they’re taking more forced boosters after what they’re seeing.
Apparently the jump in strokes is finally at noticeable levels. And they’re seeing people with weird spinal cord injuries/infections that, apparently, can only be linked to the vaccines.
Big news !! After millions have died directly from the VAXX, thousands within 24 hours of the jab, several doctors are noticing -- but still won't talk about it. Find me a more spineless group of gutless cowards.
Agreed. Like as the last tip of the titanic is about to go under water, the captain starts whispering about it possibly sinking
These people are tools. Drones. It makes me sad when I hear people still speak of doctors as if they are gods.
OMG! I did a dive on the sinking of the El Faro after the Edmund Fitzgerald anniversary and that's pretty much what happened! How, in 2015, do you sail into a Cat 3 Hurricane? I was disturbed for days because there was a voice recorder on the bridge and you can read the transcripts. :(