ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter on Telegram: "Elon now says he will just create his own phone if they attempt to shut him down. Elon has so much money that he can essentially cancel cancel culture. And guess who helped and empowered him to become as rich as he is."

Hmm... while the PI phone has a lot of shiny items like solar panels and the ability to mine crypto, what revolutionary item that makes it a game changer to finally end cancel culture? Will it have a completely new OS outside of Apple's and Google's OS? Will it have an unhackable chip manufactured in the USA?
I'm sorry, but why does Elon Musk HAVE to put into his smartphone all of these gaudy features when the best phone for freedom and canceling cancel culture is a cheap, reliable, and rock-solid smartphone utilizing either Graphene OS or his OS that is an improved-upon fork of the Android FOSS coding?