I tried to tell my family about how dangerous the covid shot is.
They don't believe me. That our government and healthcare is committing genocide. They don't want to know. I don't know what to do or how else to tell them. For me it's life and death, I want to save them from killing themselves with this vaccine. they won't see what I show them. Whenever I send them links their response is always the same "stop sending me that crap", and tell me how misinformed I am.. I want to yell at them, but at the same time I have to hold my breath and be mature about it. Anyone else feel totally alienated like me?
EDIT: thank you all so much for the great responses!
I think we've all been through this, or are still going through it. You can't force them to think differently. Fortunately I've turned most of my immediate family. My brother is still under the veil, and many of my cousins too. My father in law finally came around, sorta. He's starting to see things and is receptive to much of the info now. But he's 72 and it's hard for him to accept that much of what he's known his whole life has been a facade. I've backed off on the heavy meme and info attacks. Now I try and trickle info to them, and at least for a few of them I think it's been better. They can only take things in small bites. Big one's are too much to process.
I understand the alienation, mostly through my extended family, and also from the people I work with. I'm in a small company and have been there over a decade. We're a pretty tight bunch, but out of a group of 11 of us, only two of us not wildly liberal. So meetings now have a much different vibe. In a way, I've accepted that I can't change them. I've done my part putting info in front of them and will continue to do so when and where I think it will matter.
To a significant degree I'm leaning on the whole anon community and all of the red-pill activities habbenin' in the world to help get them just a little bit open minded. I think that's when I'll be able to help more. But as long as their minds are closed I'm dead in the water.