I tried to tell my family about how dangerous the covid shot is.
They don't believe me. That our government and healthcare is committing genocide. They don't want to know. I don't know what to do or how else to tell them. For me it's life and death, I want to save them from killing themselves with this vaccine. they won't see what I show them. Whenever I send them links their response is always the same "stop sending me that crap", and tell me how misinformed I am.. I want to yell at them, but at the same time I have to hold my breath and be mature about it. Anyone else feel totally alienated like me?
EDIT: thank you all so much for the great responses!
I think its the cognitive gap thats killing people. We have seen the maliciousness of the internal document leaks from the pharma companies about the clotshot, seen people like the Schwabs, Gates, like Prince Charles, like the supposed population forecasts call for and indicate mass killings are both desirable, predictable and unavoidable. Attacks on the food supply, attacks on the biosphere, using foreign and violent alien populations to foment chaos and death in formerly peaceful and prosperous areas like walking bioweapons. Apartheid style division and discrimination strategies that were once castigated by the worlds media, until in the blink of an eye it became praised and lauded under the new name of 'vaccine passports'. Medical abuses that kill and maim for profit, without any serious culpability or punishment ever manifesting as a anti-crime incentive.
To make the reasoned leap to conclude that all these things are not mere happenstance or failures of planning but are deliberate seems to be things that most people fail at. Its just a bridge too far from people used to being sheltered.. who have that whole 'institutionalized' thing going on, Shawshank Redemption style.
The hardest part of covid was not the disease, or vaxx, or lockdowns or financial hardships but in seeing people you love take the death shots. As other people have said, its a mourning and grieving thing that we have had to go through.. even before consequences manifest which might well be inevitable. The only analogue I can think of is to see close friends and family fall to the trap of drug or substance abuse and addiction.. where the life is gone from them but their body functions still, going through the motions of being alive.