Its unfortunate... the people that attended and even one of the priests I grew up with seemed very much like good people. Every time our priest had to step out due to vacation/whatever we would get a creepy priest. One old guy that sung in Latin and a young guy that would make jokes like it was comedy night. Its a shame. I worked with a guy who was abused by a priest in the Mexican Catholic church and I vow to expose them to honor this man who had his childhood stripped from him.
Its unfortunate... the people that attended and even one of the priests I grew up with seemed very much like good people. Every time our priest had to step out due to vacation/whatever we would get a creepy priest. One old guy that sung in Latin and a young guy that would make jokes like it was comedy night. Its a shame. I worked with a guy who was abused by a priest in the Mexican Catholic church and I vow to expose them to honor this man who had his childhood stripped from him.