The Catholic Church and the Pope are the reason that most Christian religions celebrate Sunday instead of the real Sabbath on Saturday. They just did that by fiat.
They also ignore Jesus' own words and claim that the Crucifixion occurred on what they call "Good Friday." Jesus said that proof of His being the Messiah would be that, just like Jonah was in the whale for three days and three nights, He would be in the earth for three days and three nights. "Good Friday" until the wee hours of Sunday morning is only a day and a half. The Crucifixion must have occurred on Wednesday. The Catholic Church knew what day it was and lied to all of us.
They have even implied that the Resurrection occurred on Sunday morning at sunrise, when the empty tomb was found before daylight, everything was quiet and still, the stone had rolled away, and the Roman troops had fled on fear of death. So the Resurrection might have occurred on Saturday evening just as the Sabbath ended.
Yep. Nobody seems to read the article, they just trot out their old anti Catholic talking points. No idea how this even got stickied.
The Catholic Church and the Pope are the reason that most Christian religions celebrate Sunday instead of the real Sabbath on Saturday. They just did that by fiat.
They also ignore Jesus' own words and claim that the Crucifixion occurred on what they call "Good Friday." Jesus said that proof of His being the Messiah would be that, just like Jonah was in the whale for three days and three nights, He would be in the earth for three days and three nights. "Good Friday" until the wee hours of Sunday morning is only a day and a half. The Crucifixion must have occurred on Wednesday. The Catholic Church knew what day it was and lied to all of us.
They have even implied that the Resurrection occurred on Sunday morning at sunrise, when the empty tomb was found before daylight, everything was quiet and still, the stone had rolled away, and the Roman troops had fled on fear of death. So the Resurrection might have occurred on Saturday evening just as the Sabbath ended.
These are facts, not "talking points."