TLDR just read the last paragraph..
So my schooling was late 80's, the 90's and early 2000s'. I guess I'll also mention I was born and raised in Utah.
As far as this woke new age agenda, I never encountered it. I guess I'll count myself lucky. There are a few weird things though..
I could be categorized as "troubled" when I was a kid. I never did any serious harm, but I was a troublemaker at times. I was not a bully, I didn't pick on anybody. I didn't do drugs or drink or anything like that. I really think any mischief I was involved in was normal and just normal kid stuff.
So let's intersect that with my experience at school. This is elementary. I got in trouble. A lot. I would get ISS, In School Suspension. This mostly consisted of sticking my nose against the wall at recess. Instead of being able to play I would stick my nose against the wall. That was the punishment.
From everything I can remember that was fair. I never stuck my nose against the wall and thought "this shouldn't be happening". Maybe nowadays I don't think this should happen but I digress..
Around the 3rd grade my teacher stopped sending me to I.S.S. To me I really thought she was doing me a favor. Instead I would get sent to the "utility room". Where I would do my work by myself. No teachers, no students, nobody, I was alone in the room. My parents were never notified, I was happy with the arrangement, and that's just how things went.
Did that corrective behavior work? Maybe. Around 4th grade my misbehavior certainly died down.
I do find it troubling that my parents had no idea what was going on. Even though looking back I don't find anything particularly troubling, I find it downright disturbing that my school kept all of this a secret from my parents. They had no idea any of this was happening.
Again I think in my particular situation it was benign. But thinking about nowadays with woke agendas rampant. Teachers teaching politics out in the open. It's sad to think where kids are now.
However, right now, I'm more interested in what your school life was like. Did you see even the hints of this woke agenda as a kid? How long has this occupation really been going on? Things I've read make me think it's decades in the making. But I never saw it. And maybe that's just from the state I lived in. I'd be interested to hear from you.
Similar but I knew my parents knew and were helpless. (they were both teachers that Quit the district) I Quit school when I realized the system was fkd. Then beat the system. The takeover was in 65-72 that's when the system takeover was in place. Just look at Camala Haris' Father. He was the start of the Comunist takeover of American Education in Univercities. Ignore spelling, I skiped that class.