Elon takes over Twitter. Makes it private company. Drops Red Pills like a fucking boss. Trump is reinstated and waiting, we can coordinate on sites like GA.Win and TruthSocial in the meantime.
Twitter still provides front-line access to a higher volume of normies than ANYWHERE else.
We've gone through years of research and have a better grasp on objective reality that many more people can possibly understand. We self-censor and self-filter inaccurate news.
Imagine if Elon's Amnesty unchains hundreds of thousands of Anons, and hundreds of thousands (millions) of MAGA folks. The reason we were banned was to prevent the spread of Truth in the face of COVID and Election Fraud.
Now imagine if while we are red pilling people, Elon also introduces the new & improved $8/mo Verified system.
V2.0 would be pretty epic if that $8/mo became a 2-way street. Initially providing Elon with an instantaneous positive ROI. Imagine if high effort commentary is rewarded via monetization?
Even if it is merely a subscription system and Twitter content providers are NOT monetized initially, the amount of revenue and support we can offer is massive.
I'm fine with $8/month... that's peanuts compared to other monthly BS/costs.
The best part? We can help steer Twitter towards a more unbiased and bright future. We vote with our subscription fee. Twitter/Elon decide to screw us over? Shadowban? Censor? Etc? We simply stop the payment.
Now pair the above with The Great Awakening and we Crowd Source the Truth and inject it right into the mainstream. Perhaps even some kind of Cross-pollination agreement with Truth Social? (Similar to how Facebook allows sites to embed their comment engine in articles)
The possibilities are endless. Let's see how he handles amnesty next week... but if tons of us get accounts back and can become "Verified"? I feel like that is 100% because it was engineered and timed accordingly.
I heard somewhere... Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
I heard that too.