Pet Ownership is Now Under Attack by Unhinged Climate Extremists - Says Dogs and Cats are Part of the Climate Problem
In an effort to lessen their “carbon pawprint,” unhinged climate activists are now advocating for the death of millions of dogs and cats worldwide. An article published by CNN claims that dogs, cats, and other household pets that regularly consume meat con...
According to their philosophy, anyone who breathes is a climate problem.
I suggest that activism starts at home. KYS
They just don’t want there to be pet food for us to eat when the shtf on the regular food supply. Kidding…sort of.
I thought that a lot of cat and dog food is odds and ends and by-products, stuff that would otherwise be thrown away.
I bet they don't take that into account.
Don't forget the sudden death
Should we give them the a Covid shot or enforce abortions or limit one puppy or 1 kitten per mother? Depopulation is the key to curbing climate change, right? So shouldn’t pets conform too? other news. N Korea requests to receive all of the unwanted dogs and cats to save the planet.