posted ago by NoMoreMB ago by NoMoreMB +88 / -0

With so much social media news after "Died Suddenly" was released, I searched for "Prayers for the Vaxx Injured" "Prayers for the Vaxx Dead" and got zero results. So I made up a prayer, appalled as I am at this nation and its good people not posting a single prayer online over the last two years. Correct me if I am wrong. Church leaders, shame on you.

Prayer for the Vaxx Injured and Dead

God of Justice, the rulers of the nations now live outside your law: Your law that precludes genocide and prospers health and wealth of all people Your law that shelters the vulnerable and mandates inalienable rights for children and elderly

They have sinned against your people They have broke open your natural laws There is no possibility of abundant life Theirs is a covenant of death and suffering They have visited sorrow on all they injured We lament the lives cut short from their mandated poison

Bring your power, show them who is God Relieve those who are suffering at the hands of these devils Visit your wrath on those who would usurp you "We are Gods now", these demons proclaim. Cast out these demons and devils The nations of the world are infested with this evil Blind these demons of genocide and hate In the name of Christ, the prince of peace. Amen.