I understand how we can change the ways of the West and move the needle slowly in our favor and route out the corruption here in the USA and in Europe. But how do we get to the point where we change China with all its millions of brainwashed people. The people in the East think completely different than people in the West do. Are we just waiting for the people of China to clean up it themselves?
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At some point, everybody has to learn to wipe their own ass.
It would have to be like it is being done to us: the truth has to be given to the peope, then the people have to change their mentality, then they can act seek justice against the corrupt.
If the the leaders are replaced, but the societal mentality stays the same, another power hunger person will come along and take advantage of the people; thus the cycle will continue.
It's "Stockholm syndrome" a societal level.
Depends on how China fares after the west starts cleaning up. There are Chinese patriots who wish to return their homeland to pre-communist days. But, like Japan, they believed in divine emperors too. The only long term fix for their corrupt degenerate societies is Christianity.