350 💥 25yo medical student Jarrett Nunez (Iowa, US) took 2 doses of Pfizer as a requirement to continue medical school 💥 He died suddenly on Sep.18, 2021. The medical examiner took 9 months to give his mother the results of the autopsy, where… labeled the cause of death “unable to determine.” (gettr.com) posted 2 years ago by BananaBlizzard 2 years ago by BananaBlizzard +350 / -0 Dr. William Makis MD on GETTR : ? 25yo medical student Jarrett Nunez (Iowa, US) took two doses of Pfizer as a requirement to con... ? 25yo medical student Jarrett Nunez (Iowa, US) took two doses of Pfizer as a requirement to continue medical school in his 3rd year ? He died suddenly on Sep.18, 2021. The medical examiner took 9 months to give his mother the results of the autopsy, wh... 39 comments share 39 comments share save hide report block hide replies
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