350 💥 25yo medical student Jarrett Nunez (Iowa, US) took 2 doses of Pfizer as a requirement to continue medical school 💥 He died suddenly on Sep.18, 2021. The medical examiner took 9 months to give his mother the results of the autopsy, where… labeled the cause of death “unable to determine.” (gettr.com) posted 2 years ago by BananaBlizzard 2 years ago by BananaBlizzard +350 / -0 Dr. William Makis MD on GETTR : ? 25yo medical student Jarrett Nunez (Iowa, US) took two doses of Pfizer as a requirement to con... ? 25yo medical student Jarrett Nunez (Iowa, US) took two doses of Pfizer as a requirement to continue medical school in his 3rd year ? He died suddenly on Sep.18, 2021. The medical examiner took 9 months to give his mother the results of the autopsy, wh... 39 comments share 39 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Because they are smart enough to really understand what is going on, as in these are murdering psychos and they could put a target on them? I’d be apprehensive to be employed anywhere near these ghouls