Unvaccinated. She’s been diagnosed with high blood pressure and AAA. The AAA is tiny but it freaks us all out. She’s trying hard to lower her blood pressure through medicine and diet but she’s getting so anxious over it that it’s not coming down quickly enough for her. She’s been on a low dose for 3 weeks now.
She’s my best friend and I’m doing all I can to help her but I hate seeing her constantly stressed and worried.
Please pray for her health and calmness, and for her upcoming doctor appointment to go well. And if she has to get blood drawn please pray that there is nothing bad in the results. We don’t go to doctors much so it’s scary all around.
She’s a prayer warrior and has been busting her butt trying to redpill anyone she can.
Thank you, frens. I love you all.
Hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency from lack of iodine, and from fluorine, chlorine and bromine displacing the iodine in your thyroid and other parts of your body with iodine receptors. You can take lugols iodine daily.
Dr David Brownstein has been doing iodine therapy for over 13y. https://www.drbrownstein.com/
Thank you, I will look into that and see if there’s something I can try. :)