A Question Queue for Q's Q & A!
Q's post number 4965 responds to an Anon question regarding the possibility of a future Question and Answer thread.
With this in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to start a sticky thread with potential questions that The Great Awakening community could bring to Q's attention in the coming days.
Let's try to keep these questions concise, and reasonable. There is no sense in asking questions like "how long until the happenings," or such things. Let's brainstorm some questions of real substance and value to the Q operation, and our position in that mission as Anons and Patriots.
What do you wish most to ask Q about?
Trust the Truth is very upfront, he gets into some really wacky stuff but some of the connections and knowledge he drops is very interesting, I started listening to him when I realized all the weird connections and symbolism in that 70s show which relates to the actors involved in cults, Scientology, freemasonry, Kelso running an “anti” human trafficking thing, underage relationships etc. he’s been around since voat and apparently others went boots on ground in Racine and disappeared.
I forget who it was but I’m almost certain Trump did come out and said End to Endless. If it wasn’t trump someone just as important. We have had many confirmations since new Q started I watch this board everyday all day.
The thing is Trump is going FULL BLOWN Q. He knows what he’s posting, we know, the media knows he knows.
Why would he FULLY BACK Q right at the very moment the account is comped and could literally go on any credibility killing posting spree at any moment?