My wife had a blood clot about 13 years ago in upper thigh/groin area, (probably from birth control). We only figured out a couple years ago that the blood clot region never "re-opened". She has occasional pains/aches from this nowadays because of this poor circulation (smaller capillaries trying to do a big job, etc.)....anyways, our naturopathic Dr. recommended we give Natto a try for a kinda of "nothing to lose" type reason. FWIW, he didn't think it was dangerous with regards to the clot breaking up type too fast type scenario. But Doctors can be wrong.
My wife had a blood clot about 13 years ago in upper thigh/groin area, (probably from birth control). We only figured out a couple years ago that the blood clot region never "re-opened". She has occasional pains/aches from this nowadays because of this poor circulation (smaller capillaries trying to do a big job, etc.)....anyways, our naturopathic Dr. recommended we give Natto a try for a kinda of "nothing to lose" type reason. FWIW, he didn't think it was dangerous with regards to the clot breaking up type too fast type scenario. But Doctors can be wrong.