I think you're confusing Jobs' insistence on controlling the hardware / software combination (so that Apple's hardware wouldn't be ruined, user-experience-wise, by crappy software) with free speech in the sense of free discussion of ideas. The first was a design decision for products he sold and helped create -- Steve's design sense is largely what MADE the post-Apple 1 Apple successful -- while the second is censorship of non-Cabal-approved ideas as Apple is involved with today.
If Steve was (contrary to not only that famous Big Brother Superbowl ad but to much of Apple's advertising during Steve's tenure) into censorship of ideas, I'm unaware of it.
The hilarious point will come when Apple bans the Twitter app and people have to cancel their credit cards because Apple's the only way to sign up for Twitter Blue and they will not be able to unsubscribe.
The old apple that believed in free expression and speech created this commercial many years ago.
These sob's banned the QDrops app too.
Fuck you Tim Apple!
Steve Jobs never believed in free expression and speech. He's the one who created the walled garden.
I think you're confusing Jobs' insistence on controlling the hardware / software combination (so that Apple's hardware wouldn't be ruined, user-experience-wise, by crappy software) with free speech in the sense of free discussion of ideas. The first was a design decision for products he sold and helped create -- Steve's design sense is largely what MADE the post-Apple 1 Apple successful -- while the second is censorship of non-Cabal-approved ideas as Apple is involved with today.
If Steve was (contrary to not only that famous Big Brother Superbowl ad but to much of Apple's advertising during Steve's tenure) into censorship of ideas, I'm unaware of it.
No, I'm not confused at all.
Steve Jobs banned a Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist's app because he made fun of Obama, just as an example.
Thank you for the sauce, The PowerofPrayer. My fondness for Jobs has clearly blurred my memory and needs re-adjusting.
The apple logo is an apple with a bite out of it
Now ask yourself why in China the largest Apple factory is being ‘shut down’ by the workers there…..
The hilarious point will come when Apple bans the Twitter app and people have to cancel their credit cards because Apple's the only way to sign up for Twitter Blue and they will not be able to unsubscribe.
People will still have the app. You just won’t be able to re-download it