Trans Mental Illness: Latest Fad for Men Wanting to Be Women Is to Have Bones Removed
Editor’s Note: When this story came across my desk, I’ll admit I had to double-check to make sure it wasn’t satire. The transgender fad in the United States has prompted people to desecrate their bodies in strange ways, but this one may be the most asinine...
They must have had their brains removed first.
...apparently so...
As to the adults who go this route: The world is full of stupid people.
As to the kids caught in this mess: What a shame.
Maybe the next next thing. will be having an entire twat and girlie plumbing transplanted from a deceased donor to a lady wanna-be. No, I do not think that would ever work. Just being a smart-ass. Or maybe someone will design a silicone version (soft of course) of female parts that is put inside (and outside) of a guy. It could LOOK ok. They'd have to have a neural implant to fake out some feelings. Some monster somewhere is probably already working on this.
my fren, a "uterus transplant" is exactly what they DO want. They seriously want to be able to carry a live infant to term and then give birth via C-section.
We do all kinds of other transplants routinely now (kidney, liver, lungs, even hearts) so Idk why this wouldn't work
no joke, they want this like the holy grail of being a tranny
Gets a transplant from a 90 year old virgin... Gets fruit flies. (Sorry, this is wrong on multiple levels)
...filed under "Highly Probable"....
There’s no end to self-mutilation culture.
They should remove their spines. That would be a yuge improvement.
...doggy winks...
I thought they just had the one bone removed. What do I know?
...valid observation....
...doggy winks....
Should we list 'bones' under the list of things that apparently are NOT a social construct then? It all seems quite unnecessary if you take the assertion that changing gender is just another state of mind, as being something they actually believe.
...compelling observation....
Boy, That's a topic for you to chew on. KEK!