Here is a chart showing that mortality from measles had approached zero, just before the vaccine was introduced.
the vaccine people have this pattern of releasing a vaccine, after its no longer needed, and then taking credit for the fact that measles isn't killing people in 1st world countries anymore.
like many diseases, your chance of getting it and dying depends on things like local hygiene, sanitation, access to good food and water, health care,
and very little to do with your vaccine status.
Glenn Beck calls out measles hoax.
In case you missed it, this measles hoax at Disney just coincidentally happened at the same time California law makers were trying to ram-rod thru more vaccine mandates.
Fake Disney measles outbreak: send in the clowns.
States with Measles outbreaks looking to eliminate religious exemptions for vaccines
New York City Orders Williamsburg Residents to Get Vaccinated for Measles or Face $1,000 Fine
Washington state legislature has introduced a bill that would ban personal exemptions for the measles vaccine in the wake of outbreak.
Kremlin Behind Anti-Vaccine Disinformation Campaign As Measles Cases Explode
Russian Trolls Promoted Anti-Vaccination Propaganda That May Have Caused Measles Outbreak, Researcher Claims
CDC is forced to admit measles outbreak is fake, rates are the same as normal, it was just a trick to sell vaccines
Anti-vaxxers are burdening the economy, says NIH doctor, as the measles outbreak grows
Vaccines Cause Atypical Measles
CDC CASE STUDY: Death From Measles Vaccine Virus 15 Months After Vaccination
vaccines cause measles
Vaccines Cause Measles
Vaccines Cause Measles. Idiot mom decides to blame anti-vaxxers because she gave her own child measles with a vaccine
VACCINE HOAX unveiled as rigorous scientific study finds NO reduction in measles, mumps, rubella, influenza or rotavirus among vaccinated children
Measles outbreaks that don't make it to the front page: when everyone infected was already vaccinated.
Current MMR vaccination program cannot prevent outbreaks of measles; "Measles outbreaks also occur even among highly vaccinated populations because of primary and secondary vaccine failure."
“Babies of vaccinated moms more susceptible to measles” pediatrics November 1999
If Truth Be Told About Measles Deaths in the US: From 2004-2015, there were ZERO deaths from measles and 108 deaths caused by the measles vaccine
Fox News spreads more fake news measles hysteria by claiming MMR vaccines don’t contain aborted human fetal tissue… but they actually do
Anti-vaxxer movement fuelling global resurgence of measles, say WHO
Measles outbreaks now a global problem thanks to anti-vaxxers | CBC News
Anti-Vaxxers Declared One of the Top 10 Threats to Public Health in 2019 as a Measles Outbreak Spreads Across Vancouver, Wash.
the whole fucking country die of measles
It’s Finally Time to Get Real About Measles: What doesn't fit the ‘facts’ the CDC/FDA spout about vaccines is the historical, chronic manipulation of false science regarding vaccines and their neurotoxic ingredients, plus their deliberate malfeasance continues with no oversight from Congress
Thirty-five people have died in the past year from measles outbreaks across Europe, and for some reason the BBC has decided this statistically insignificant number is newsworthy
Chelsea Clinton: Measles rates soaring in Europe as vaccination rates have dropped. This is not coincidental. I will never stop being furious at Andrew Wakefield.
Republicans reject Democratic attempts to tighten vaccine laws. The stakes are high: The U.S. is experiencing its worst measles outbreak in decades.
According to CDC data, Measles did not exist in China in 1950, yet Measles was eradicated in China because of Measles vaccine
Technically there's been documented cases of people who survive measles without being vaccinated
Censorship - As measles returns, Indiegogo joins other tech platforms in banning Anti-Vaccine campaigns
Measles surges to second-highest level in US in 25 years and over 100,000 global cases
Vaccines Cause Fake Measles Outbreaks To be Used As an Excuse To DOUBLE Measles Vaccine uptake.
23 Nov 2022
Measles vaccination coverage has steadily declined since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, a record high of nearly 40 million children missed a measles vaccine dose: 25 million children missed their first dose and an additional 14.7 million children missed their second dose, a joint publication by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports. This decline is a significant setback in global progress towards achieving and maintaining measles elimination and leaves millions of children susceptible to infection
In 2021, there were an estimated 9 million cases and 128 000 deaths from measles worldwide. Twenty-two countries experienced large and disruptive outbreaks. Declines in vaccine coverage, weakened measles surveillance, and continued interruptions and delays in immunization activities due to COVID-19, as well as persistent large outbreaks in 2022, mean that measles is an imminent threat in every region of the world
“The paradox of the pandemic is that while vaccines against COVID-19 were developed in record time and deployed in the largest vaccination campaign in history, routine immunization programmes were badly disrupted, and millions of kids missed out on life-saving vaccinations against deadly diseases like measles,” said WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Getting immunization programmes back on track is absolutely critical. Behind every statistic in this report is a child at risk of a preventable disease.”
The situation is grave: measles is one of the most contagious human viruses but is almost entirely preventable through vaccination. Coverage of 95% or greater of 2 doses of measles-containing vaccine is needed to create herd immunity in order to protect communities and achieve and maintain measles elimination. The world is well under that, with only 81% of children receiving their first measles-containing vaccine dose, and only 71% of children receiving their second measles-containing vaccine dose. These are the lowest global coverage rates of the first dose of measles vaccination since 2008, although coverage varies by country.
Urgent global action needed
Measles anywhere is a threat everywhere, as the virus can quickly spread to multiple communities and across international borders. No WHO region has achieved and sustained measles elimination. Since 2016, 10 countries that had previously eliminated measles experienced outbreaks and reestablished transmission.
“The record number of children under-immunized and susceptible to measles shows the profound damage immunization systems have sustained during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky. “Measles outbreaks illustrate weaknesses in immunization programs, but public health officials can use outbreak response to identify communities at risk, understand causes of under-vaccination, and help deliver locally tailored solutions to ensure vaccinations are available to all.”
In 2021, nearly 61 million measles vaccine doses were postponed or missed due to COVID-19-related delays in immunization campaigns in 18 countries. Delays increase the risk of measles outbreaks, so the time for public health officials to accelerate vaccination efforts and strengthen surveillance is now. CDC and WHO urge coordinated and collaborative action from all partners at global, regional, national, and local levels to prioritize efforts to find and immunize all unprotected children, including those who were missed during the last two years.
Measles outbreaks illustrate weaknesses in immunization programs and other essential health services. To mitigate risk of outbreaks, countries and global stakeholders must invest in robust surveillance systems. Under the Immunization Agenda 2030 global immunization strategy, global immunization partners remain committed to supporting investments in strengthening surveillance as a means to detect outbreaks quickly, respond with urgency, and immunize all children who are not yet protected from vaccine-preventable diseases.
More information on measles
For more information on CDC’s global measles vaccination efforts, visit here.
For more information on WHO’s measles response and support, visit here.
Quotes from our partners “Since 2001 the American Red Cross has mobilized volunteers in 47 countries around the world to reach vulnerable communities with lifesaving vaccines. The global COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced just how critical vaccines are to preventing the spread of deadly diseases. We and our partners in the global Red Cross Movement are committed to averting needless deaths. It is imperative we work together to close existing immunity gaps and ensure that no one suffers from vaccine preventable diseases.” Gail McGovern, President and CEO of the American Red Cross.
“The significant decline in measles coverage is alarming. Gavi is supporting lower-income countries to get routine immunization programmes back on track, and continues to fund global outbreak response through the MR&I’s Outbreak Response Fund. As an Alliance we are also pushing further, with targeted efforts to reach zero dose children and communities that consistently miss out on immunization and other essential services. This is fundamental to reducing outbreaks and keeping health systems strong and resilient in the face of other threats.” Dr. Seth Berkley, Gavi CEO.
“Plummeting measles vaccination rates should set off every alarm. Tens of millions of children are at risk of this deadly, yet entirely preventable disease until we get global vaccination efforts back on track. There is no time to waste. We must work urgently to ensure life-saving vaccines reach every last child.” Elizabeth Cousens, President and CEO, United Nations Foundation
“For three years, we have been sounding the alarm about the declining rates of vaccination and the increasing risk to children's health globally. Widening gaps in immunization coverage are letting measles – the most contagious yet vaccine-preventable killer disease – spread and cause illness and death. We have a short window of opportunity to urgently make up for lost ground in measles vaccination and protect every child. The time for decisive action is now.” Ephrem Tekle Lemango, UNICEF Chief of Immunization.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
CDC works 24/7 protecting America’s health, safety and security. Whether disease start at home or abroad, are curable or preventable, chronic or acute, or from human activity or deliberate attack, CDC responds to America’s most pressing health threats. CDC is headquartered in Atlanta and has experts located throughout the United States and the world.
World Health Organization
Dedicated to the well-being of all people and guided by science, the World Health Organization leads and champions global efforts to give everyone, everywhere an equal chance at a safe and healthy life. Our mission is to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable.
If its such a treat, STOP illegal immigration for individuals that are NOT vaccinated against childhood diseases.
Sorry, threat not treat, hate auto correct