I had strep throat over the holiday. Antibiotics got me feeling 100% within 48 hours. Is strep not a bacterial infection and why did I only start to heal after taking antibiotics?
Great question! I had strep throat at least a dozen times when I was a boy, ages 6-10 roughly, often two or three times a year. Interestingly, I've never gotten it again. Also interestingly, each successive time it was worse. My mother eventually didn't even bother taking me to the pediatrician it was so common. She had packets of the throat culture swabs in the medicine cabinet and would just swab my throat and send them off to the state health lab which turned around results in 24 hours.
It's worth pointing out that nobody else in my family, siblings and parents, ever got strep throat, specifically when I had it, and generally speaking none have ever had it. Nor did any of my school friends ever get it. And I recall not telling my mom I thought I might have it until I couldn't hide it during meals when I struggled to swallow food as I didn't want to miss 2-3 days of school which was the routine every time I had it. All this to say, it seems almost impossible to believe that nobody around me ever got it around the time I had it...EVER. Unless.....
Having learned a new health modality these past 3 years, I've come to understand many new things that don't line up with modern western allopathic medicine assertions. To name a few for your contemplation:
Dis-ease is neither caused nor cured by anything "material" - you name it, germs, toxins, carcinogens, diet, genes, etc.
The majority of dis-eases are not what we think they are. They are "healing/restoration" phases of a complete dis-ease process.
Dis-ease is caused by what we call a "conflict shock" that is acute, isolating, and most importantly UNEXPECTED.
That bacteria CAUSE dis-ease is a half-truth. While it's true that bacterial activity make us "feel sick" due to the putrefaction and elimination going on, what they are doing is repairing/restoring/removing tissue that was temporarily adjusted during the "conflict phase" of the dis-ease process. The quicker we resolve our conflicts, the less noticeable and impactful the "feeling sick" aspect is. In fact, they mirror one another.
Examples of "Conflict shocks" include things like scares, frights, separations, losses, self-devaluations, angers, existential fears, worry, abandonment, "stink conflicts", indigestible situations, unacceptable situations, family/friend disputes, death frights, fear of attack, etc. etc. As you read this list, it's imperative to understand that all of these must be UNEXPECTED events. Thus, typical, run-of-the-mill arguments with spouse, children, friends, co-workers do not fit the category. Nor does "bad news" that you had time in advance to prepare for. For instance, the death of an older parent or grandparent who slowly declined for many months or years. It is the sudden, unexpected death of a loved one that you weren't expecting that kicks off the "Conflict Active" disease process.
Our psyche, which runs every aspect of our bodily processes (breathing, beating heart, digesting food, generating new cells, eliminating waste, etc.) is what makes these temporary bodily adjustments when we slip into these unresolvable conflicts. Key to understanding the psyche is that: A. It does not operate in "time". Everything is in the "here and now" from the psyche's perspective. B. The psyche cannot distinguish between FIGURATIVE and LITERAL thoughts. As such, it does it's best to TRANSLATE our figurative mental rumination into actionable adjustments it can make to your body to help you get through your conflicted situation. This is key to understand. Thus, saying "He's a pain in my neck" is translated by the psyche as "Must strengthen the neck". Or "She doesn't have my back, not supportive" is translated by the psyche as "Must strengthen the back". Or, "I feel stuck, I can't move" is translated by the psyche as "Must strengthen the feet/legs as your feet/legs are what "move" you. Or, I'm afraid I'm going to die in 6 months/1year/2years (thanks to doctor diagnosis) is translated by the psyche as "Death is imminent right now, must get more oxygen into the lungs to stave off immediate death", as lack of oxygen is the most immediate way to die. Get the picture?
Every "disease program" the psyche runs involves either temporary tissue proliferation (e.g. cancers) or temporary tissue necrosis (e.g. ulcerations), both of which continue unabated as long as the conflict is not psychologically resolved. The purpose of these disease programs is to temporarily improve/enhance/adjust the organ or tissue perform better and to assist with conflict resolution.
Bacteria and fungi are GENERATED BY YOUR BODY, just like your cells are. They aren't "something else" from outside of you. This explains why bacteria outnumber the total number of cells in your body by a ratio of 10:1! And it is these bacteria that are recruited by your psyche to either remove temporary excess tissue or replenish temporarily necrotized tissue. And this also explains how and why there has never been a successful scientific experiment demonstrating bacterial contagion!
"Anti-Biotic" means "Against-Life", thus they are POISONS by definition. Use of anti-biotics arrests and halts the completion of our body's natural healing/restoration dis-ease process. And this in turn leaves the specified tissue in a less than optimal condition, sometimes permanently weakening it so one becomes more susceptible and sick with future conflict events as poisoning the bacteria prevents them from completing restoration of the affected tissue.
Now, in my cases of strep throat as a boy I figured out my conflict; I HATED almost every vegetable on the planet (I could only eat corn, carrots, potatoes). There were occasions when my mother would withhold dessert from me unless I ate the veggies on my plate. I would go through a brutal ritual of mashing them up, liquifying them and preparing myself psychologically for having to swallow them. My conflict was "I can't swallow these". I would plug my nose and struggle through every bite and gulp, sometimes for up to an hour. My psyche registered my "fear of swallowing" in real time as a LITERAL conflict in my case, and tried to assist me by necrotizing my throat tissue to make "swallowing" easier for me. Further, I would be psychologically conflicted for days thereafter worrying that I might need to eat more veggies to score dessert if I knew there was leftover cake or pie for example. When this period finally passed, I resolved my conflict and my psyche went to work by activating the streptococcus bacteria (which is always in our throats to some degree) in order to REPLENISH the temporarily necrotized tissue. And it is during this process that it is painful to swallow as our psyche wants as little interference and interruption as possible while it does its repair work. Thus, it is during this restoration/healing period that we "feel sick".
Interestingly, the very last time I had strep I didn't tell my mother so no antibiotics were prescribed to me. It was the worst and longest period I ever had a sort throat (nearly 2 weeks if memory serves). And this was because the bacteria had to do more work than normal as the previous occasions they were killed off before the restoration job was fully done. It's likely that my throat tissue today is less robust and resilient than it was prior to my first bout of strep and many subsequent rounds of penicillin.
Now, in your case, it's unlikely that you had a LITERAL conflict shock around having to swallow unwanted food like mine. Possible, but unlikely. However, it is more likely that you had a FIGURATIVE conflict shock surrounding a situation you were faced with days before you came down with strep. You'd have to think back on the week or so before you got sick, which was just before or during the holidays. Did a relative say something you "couldn't swallow" but perhaps you didn't feel like it was appropriate to return a comment or correct him/her? Were you asked to participate in an event/gathering that you felt forced to go along with that you "couldn't swallow"? Or maybe you had to eat grannies cranberry sauce that you hate but didn't want to hurt her feelings so you ate it anyway? Just throwing out some examples.
Thus, it's true that you "felt better" sooner after taking the against-lifes, but in the process your throat tissue is not as robust and resilient as it was prior to. Had you done nothing but avoided too much eating/swallowing, rested and allowed the natural healing process to take its course, you would have felt fine a day or two later without taking the against-lifes and your throat tissue would have been restored fully to its normal previous condition.
Lastly you might wonder, well why do family/friends around me sometimes come down with the same or similar dis-ease, like colds, flus, covid or even strep? For the first three we categorize these as "Stink conflicts", basically you're unhappy and/or worried about a situation, like a sick child or spouse. Thus, "this stinks, my kid is sick!". Or "I'm worried I might breathe in this deadly virus/bacteria". Or, "This stinks, it's too cold/wet/rainy/slippery to go do something fun I wanted to to today. In either instance, the psyche goes to work to assist you with PREVENTING the breathing-in of something "stinky" (Literally) or something you fear (unicorn virus or bacteria). And thus, your nasal passages, bronchi and lungs become "clogged up" for the duration of your worries. When you get over them, the psyche reverses this process by restoring them to normal functioning again. The duration and intensity of your "stink conflict" determines whether you get a mild cold, mild or debilitating flu/covid. And the healing symptoms are PRECISELY what we expect as all healing occurs in a hyper-fluid environment with associated inflammation and bodily temperature is raised to activate and enable the restorative bacteria to thrive and perform their tasks as quickly as possible. You also feel a loss of energy and desire rest as the psyche is devoting all your energy to completing the healing/restoration process ASAP.
I had strep throat over the holiday. Antibiotics got me feeling 100% within 48 hours. Is strep not a bacterial infection and why did I only start to heal after taking antibiotics?
Great question! I had strep throat at least a dozen times when I was a boy, ages 6-10 roughly, often two or three times a year. Interestingly, I've never gotten it again. Also interestingly, each successive time it was worse. My mother eventually didn't even bother taking me to the pediatrician it was so common. She had packets of the throat culture swabs in the medicine cabinet and would just swab my throat and send them off to the state health lab which turned around results in 24 hours.
It's worth pointing out that nobody else in my family, siblings and parents, ever got strep throat, specifically when I had it, and generally speaking none have ever had it. Nor did any of my school friends ever get it. And I recall not telling my mom I thought I might have it until I couldn't hide it during meals when I struggled to swallow food as I didn't want to miss 2-3 days of school which was the routine every time I had it. All this to say, it seems almost impossible to believe that nobody around me ever got it around the time I had it...EVER. Unless.....
Having learned a new health modality these past 3 years, I've come to understand many new things that don't line up with modern western allopathic medicine assertions. To name a few for your contemplation:
Dis-ease is neither caused nor cured by anything "material" - you name it, germs, toxins, carcinogens, diet, genes, etc.
The majority of dis-eases are not what we think they are. They are "healing/restoration" phases of a complete dis-ease process.
Dis-ease is caused by what we call a "conflict shock" that is acute, isolating, and most importantly UNEXPECTED.
That bacteria CAUSE dis-ease is a half-truth. While it's true that bacterial activity make us "feel sick" due to the putrefaction and elimination going on, what they are doing is repairing/restoring/removing tissue that was temporarily adjusted during the "conflict phase" of the dis-ease process. The quicker we resolve our conflicts, the less noticeable and impactful the "feeling sick" aspect is. In fact, they mirror one another.
Examples of "Conflict shocks" include things like scares, frights, separations, losses, self-devaluations, angers, existential fears, worry, abandonment, "stink conflicts", indigestible situations, unacceptable situations, family/friend disputes, death frights, fear of attack, etc. etc. As you read this list, it's imperative to understand that all of these must be UNEXPECTED events. Thus, typical, run-of-the-mill arguments with spouse, children, friends, co-workers do not fit the category. Nor does "bad news" that you had time in advance to prepare for. For instance, the death of an older parent or grandparent who slowly declined for many months or years. It is the sudden, unexpected death of a loved one that you weren't expecting that kicks off the "Conflict Active" disease process.
Our psyche, which runs every aspect of our bodily processes (breathing, beating heart, digesting food, generating new cells, eliminating waste, etc.) is what makes these temporary bodily adjustments when we slip into these unresolvable conflicts. Key to understanding the psyche is that: A. It does not operate in "time". Everything is in the "here and now" from the psyche's perspective. B. The psyche cannot distinguish between FIGURATIVE and LITERAL thoughts. As such, it does it's best to TRANSLATE our figurative mental rumination into actionable adjustments it can make to your body to help you get through your conflicted situation. This is key to understand. Thus, saying "He's a pain in my neck" is translated by the psyche as "Must strengthen the neck". Or "She doesn't have my back, not supportive" is translated by the psyche as "Must strengthen the back". Or, "I feel stuck, I can't move" is translated by the psyche as "Must strengthen the feet/legs as your feet/legs are what "move" you. Or, I'm afraid I'm going to die in 6 months/1year/2years (thanks to doctor diagnosis) is translated by the psyche as "Death is imminent right now, must get more oxygen into the lungs to stave off immediate death", as lack of oxygen is the most immediate way to die. Get the picture?
Every "disease program" the psyche runs involves either temporary tissue proliferation (e.g. cancers) or temporary tissue necrosis (e.g. ulcerations), both of which continue unabated as long as the conflict is not psychologically resolved. The purpose of these disease programs is to temporarily improve/enhance/adjust the organ or tissue perform better and to assist with conflict resolution.
Bacteria and fungi are GENERATED BY YOUR BODY, just like your cells are. They aren't "something else" from outside of you. This explains why bacteria outnumber the total number of cells in your body by a ratio of 10:1! And it is these bacteria that are recruited by your psyche to either remove temporary excess tissue or replenish temporarily necrotized tissue. And this also explains how and why there has never been a successful scientific experiment demonstrating bacterial contagion!
"Anti-Biotic" means "Against-Life", thus they are POISONS by definition. Use of anti-biotics arrests and halts the completion of our body's natural healing/restoration dis-ease process. And this in turn leaves the specified tissue in a less than optimal condition, sometimes permanently weakening it so one becomes more susceptible and sick with future conflict events as poisoning the bacteria prevents them from completing restoration of the affected tissue.
Now, in my cases of strep throat as a boy I figured out my conflict; I HATED almost every vegetable on the planet (I could only eat corn, carrots, potatoes). There were occasions when my mother would withhold dessert from me unless I ate the veggies on my plate. I would go through a brutal ritual of mashing them up, liquifying them and preparing myself psychologically for having to swallow them. My conflict was "I can't swallow these". I would plug my nose and struggle through every bite and gulp, sometimes for up to an hour. My psyche registered my "fear of swallowing" in real time as a LITERAL conflict in my case, and tried to assist me by necrotizing my throat tissue to make "swallowing" easier for me. Further, I would be psychologically conflicted for days thereafter worrying that I might need to eat more veggies to score dessert if I knew there was leftover cake or pie for example. When this period finally passed, I resolved my conflict and my psyche went to work by activating the streptococcus bacteria (which is always in our throats to some degree) in order to REPLENISH the temporarily necrotized tissue. And it is during this process that it is painful to swallow as our psyche wants as little interference and interruption as possible while it does its repair work. Thus, it is during this restoration/healing period that we "feel sick".
Interestingly, the very last time I had strep I didn't tell my mother so no antibiotics were prescribed to me. It was the worst and longest period I ever had a sort throat (nearly 2 weeks if memory serves). And this was because the bacteria had to do more work than normal as the previous occasions they were killed off before the restoration job was fully done. It's likely that my throat tissue today is less robust and resilient than it was prior to my first bout of strep and many subsequent rounds of penicillin.
Now, in your case, it's unlikely that you had a LITERAL conflict shock around having to swallow unwanted food like mine. Possible, but unlikely. However, it is more likely that you had a FIGURATIVE conflict shock surrounding a situation you were faced with days before you came down with strep. You'd have to think back on the week or so before you got sick, which was just before or during the holidays. Did a relative say something you "couldn't swallow" but perhaps you didn't feel like it was appropriate to return a comment or correct him/her? Were you asked to participate in an event/gathering that you felt forced to go along with that you "couldn't swallow"? Or maybe you had to eat grannies cranberry sauce that you hate but didn't want to hurt her feelings so you ate it anyway? Just throwing out some examples.
Thus, it's true that you "felt better" sooner after taking the against-lifes, but in the process your throat tissue is not as robust and resilient as it was prior to. Had you done nothing but avoided too much eating/swallowing, rested and allowed the natural healing process to take its course, you would have felt fine a day or two later without taking the against-lifes and your throat tissue would have been restored fully to its normal previous condition.
Lastly you might wonder, well why do family/friends around me sometimes come down with the same or similar dis-ease, like colds, flus, covid or even strep? For the first three we categorize these as "Stink conflicts", basically you're unhappy and/or worried about a situation, like a sick child or spouse. Thus, "this stinks, my kid is sick!". Or "I'm worried I might breathe in this deadly virus/bacteria". Or, "This stinks, it's too cold/wet/rainy/slippery to go do something fun I wanted to to today. In either instance, the psyche goes to work to assist you with PREVENTING the breathing-in of something "stinky" (Literally) or something you fear (unicorn virus or bacteria). And thus, your nasal passages, bronchi and lungs become "clogged up" for the duration of your worries. When you get over them, the psyche reverses this process by restoring them to normal functioning again. The duration and intensity of your "stink conflict" determines whether you get a mild cold, mild or debilitating flu/covid. And the healing symptoms are PRECISELY what we expect as all healing occurs in a hyper-fluid environment with associated inflammation and bodily temperature is raised to activate and enable the restorative bacteria to thrive and perform their tasks as quickly as possible. You also feel a loss of energy and desire rest as the psyche is devoting all your energy to completing the healing/restoration process ASAP.
What do you think? Any additional questions?
Thanks for asking!