Continue the fight, always; No matter what.
There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already; alone, I'm sure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. Remember this: freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously, without instruction. Random acts of noncompliance are occuring constantly throughout the world. There are whole armies, battalions of people that have no idea they have already enlisted in the cause.
Remember that the frontier of the rebellion is EVERYWHERE, and even the smallest act of noncompliance pushes our alliance forward.
And REMEMBER this: The tyrants need the control so desperately because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks. It leaks. Authority is brutal. Oppression is possible because of the fear. Remember that.
And KNOW this: The day will come when there will be skirmishes and battles; these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the tyrant's authority, and then there will be just one more act of defiance; and it will be ONE TOO MANY. One single thing will break the siege of tyranny. Remember this and FIGHT.
-Anonymous Rebel
Good points, i've been fighting for over 30 years.
But what we're seeing now is the people are waking up and realize they have a collective power to make real change.
We are getting very close to a big break now. I can feel it. All fronts engaged simultaneously may be too much for the enemy to handle. We need to keep up the pressure and continue now, more than ever. I believe the nature of the "rebellion" has changed from a one-off "fight-back" ala Tea Party that got co-opted by the establishment to a permanent war, imo.
The 'Red Wave' suppression is making it hard for the establishment to take credit, remain in control, and co-opt the movement like they did in 2011-2012. "Leaders" who had the intent to appear to be with MAGA in order to co-opt it and control it have now been exposed and are being replaced.