My husband and I both got covid in late Oct of 21. I knew to refuse remdesivir, he didn't. I was way sicker than he and spent 17 days in ICU. He, 8 days in regular covid care. By Jan he was experiencing blood clots, by Feb he had an aggressive form of Lymphoma. We believe it was cause by covids response to remdesivir. Set his immune system into overdrive. He has been fighting since and just completed a BMT. I know I will get comments about alternative meds but the cancer was so agressive we didn't feel we had time to step away from traditional care.
It's one of the reasons I'm considered a doomer here.
Side note: my mom also had to get a pace maker after her vax.
The price of this war is high
My husband and I both got covid in late Oct of 21. I knew to refuse remdesivir, he didn't. I was way sicker than he and spent 17 days in ICU. He, 8 days in regular covid care. By Jan he was experiencing blood clots, by Feb he had an aggressive form of Lymphoma. We believe it was cause by covids response to remdesivir. Set his immune system into overdrive. He has been fighting since and just completed a BMT. I know I will get comments about alternative meds but the cancer was so agressive we didn't feel we had time to step away from traditional care. It's one of the reasons I'm considered a doomer here. Side note: my mom also had to get a pace maker after her vax. The price of this war is high
How horrible, and directly caused by the people we should be able to trust most.
I think that is why we are seeing A speak about Ascension, as in the health care provider. I think A mentions who is going down next, so to say.