One problem is that most people don't believe bad things will happen that impact the entire world but there are many things that could happen to wipe out a large portion of the population on any given day. Asteroids hit the planet all the time but generally too small to be of concern. Here in the US, Yellowstone super volcano is one of the largest on the planet and could potentially impact up to a 3rd of the planet if it erupted in our life time.
There just are so many things that could kill us all on any given day. At this point, people really shouldn't be surprised if we actually got zombies though. There are many elites that publicly, even on video, admit that they want to reduce the world population and some of them even publicly admit they'd like to reduce it by as much as 95% which would be like killing 7 or so billion people.
There are people with the money and resources to be able to do something bad but I guess they just haven't found something to do it with yet.
Yup. I haven't been sick in so long that I wouldn't even be able to remember the last time I was sick with anything worse than seasonal allergy type of things. I never took the vaccine but I don't take any vaccines anyways. I'm outdoors a lot and live an active life which seems to have kept me in good health.
When I talked about viruses though, I was thinking more like something crazy where bodies would be on the streets, mass chaos, etc. The mRna bit is more of a slow and somewhat covert method.
They sure don't give up though with trying different things to fuck with the population. They put whites and blacks against each other then they put men and women against each other. More recently it's been people being against each other because of politics. A friend of mine sometimes talks about how people need to do something to stop government but I tell him that it would take a reasonably large portion of the population to stop a lot of things government does and with so many people heavily divided, government gets to keep on screwing us.
I don't think population reduction via mRna vaccine was a smart move though because most people that got that vaccine weren't going to do anything to help anyways. People dying from that kind of is more like getting people out of the way. I do believe it's fucked up for them to prey on the most gullible in society though like they have with covid.
These people are not humans. They are demons in human suits. They don't care if they get rid of a bunch of gullible. I think that's why they let in bunches of illegals to replace the gullible's numbers
It's unfortunate but a lot of illegals are mostly just desperate to find a better life but end up being pawns for government but illegally entering a country is still supposed to be some form of crime but doesn't seem to matter for America anymore.
They want a smaller population to be able to control more easily. We insanely outnumber government but most people don't care and are more concerned with maintaining their desired lifestyles than seeing what's going on in the world.
One problem is that most people don't believe bad things will happen that impact the entire world but there are many things that could happen to wipe out a large portion of the population on any given day. Asteroids hit the planet all the time but generally too small to be of concern. Here in the US, Yellowstone super volcano is one of the largest on the planet and could potentially impact up to a 3rd of the planet if it erupted in our life time.
There just are so many things that could kill us all on any given day. At this point, people really shouldn't be surprised if we actually got zombies though. There are many elites that publicly, even on video, admit that they want to reduce the world population and some of them even publicly admit they'd like to reduce it by as much as 95% which would be like killing 7 or so billion people.
There are people with the money and resources to be able to do something bad but I guess they just haven't found something to do it with yet.
They already did. The mRna vaccine will reduce maybe 1/5 of the world population in 10 years. I buy 5 years.
Trust in God and draw close to God. The only way out of this mess.
Yup. I haven't been sick in so long that I wouldn't even be able to remember the last time I was sick with anything worse than seasonal allergy type of things. I never took the vaccine but I don't take any vaccines anyways. I'm outdoors a lot and live an active life which seems to have kept me in good health.
When I talked about viruses though, I was thinking more like something crazy where bodies would be on the streets, mass chaos, etc. The mRna bit is more of a slow and somewhat covert method.
They sure don't give up though with trying different things to fuck with the population. They put whites and blacks against each other then they put men and women against each other. More recently it's been people being against each other because of politics. A friend of mine sometimes talks about how people need to do something to stop government but I tell him that it would take a reasonably large portion of the population to stop a lot of things government does and with so many people heavily divided, government gets to keep on screwing us.
I don't think population reduction via mRna vaccine was a smart move though because most people that got that vaccine weren't going to do anything to help anyways. People dying from that kind of is more like getting people out of the way. I do believe it's fucked up for them to prey on the most gullible in society though like they have with covid.
These people are not humans. They are demons in human suits. They don't care if they get rid of a bunch of gullible. I think that's why they let in bunches of illegals to replace the gullible's numbers
It's unfortunate but a lot of illegals are mostly just desperate to find a better life but end up being pawns for government but illegally entering a country is still supposed to be some form of crime but doesn't seem to matter for America anymore.
They want a smaller population to be able to control more easily. We insanely outnumber government but most people don't care and are more concerned with maintaining their desired lifestyles than seeing what's going on in the world.