We've pretty much beat the whole "ascension" thing to death but I just realized something and it's so simple and obvious.
🐸 Devocension? 🐸
Devolution = the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level
Ascension = the act of rising to an important position or a higher level
“Correct, and Religion doesnt matter. What path someone spiritually is walking is irrelevant to the greater good. We can raise our vibrations. We can shape our future simply by "wishing" it......Manifesting it.”
Everything about this statement is rooted in “their” occultist viewpoints. I’m merely bringing that to light for you. No argument just presentation.
You make very spiritual and religious claims and say it’s not about religion or spirituality. New age philosophies are a religion and you obviously adhere to them without knowing their root or exactly it is who you are parroting.
Where I used to live, my church would say "God is too big to fit into any religion." Religions aren't God, they are the path to God. You just do your best to connect with a Higher Spirit, and knowing Jesus makes it inspirational and easier.
Taking away from the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ and saying that it is merely inspirational and makes life is easier comes from someone who has never actually studied the words that Jesus spoke.
Was he a man that walked this earth? Did he die and raise from the dead? Was he the son of God or the living spirit of God in the flesh?
These questions lead to a much deeper reality than being merely inspirational.
I know what I am saying. I am not a Christian. I am also not trying to attack Christianity or any other Religion at the present moment. I am aware my philosophies do not line up with 99% of this board.
I am an occultist....I am a pagan......I am a witch.......And I am saying none of this matters to the greater good. How I do and practice ,my faith has no bearing on how you and the rest of the world
As for my claims: That is why I am saying spirituality doesnt matter. If we start thinking positively as a whole species. We can change the path we are on. Religion doesnt matter for this.As I stated in my first paragraph/post power of prayer is powerful....."prayer" is also manifestation....its meditation. We can ALL do this together.....WWG1WGA.............that saying is telling. religions, race, sex, all seperate us.....yet here we all are. Fighting to change our path......fighting for the kids. Trying to shape our realities............
I hear you what your saying. Just disagree with your thinking that it doesn’t matter.
Will well written laws conform the hearts of men to Love their neighbor? Will a community kumbaya remove the violence from a man’s heart? Will intense focused thought and higher vibrations of community love remove the lust and perversion from a pedophile or rapist and prevent him from acting out upon his neighbors? If we come together as a majority and create or reform our system of law based on loving your neighbor and thou shall not kill and elect representatives to operate this system will it last? Will it change the nature and hearts of of men?
What you are saying is a eutopia....in which one will never exist. Even God's failed. The serpent fed the Eve an apple right? So whats the commonality here?
Free will. One can never change another beings free will. Thats the whole deal with Mk Ultra...we see how it fundamentally destroys a person whose free will has been altered.
Also....Religion alone doesnt help people stop those actions you listed. A persons free will, and choice to make a change.....manifest change thru action. Religion is the vehicle which they travel to do this. Which is fine
The way I see it. We are all travelers on a road. The road is death. We can choose to be good passengers, good drivers. Now we all drive different speeds, and we all use different vehicles to travel. We all going the same place. The journey of life must lead to death. It's our choices and actions inbetween, thats the human experience.
Religion helps. 100000% It can help people. All of them, any of them. People helping people, people respecting eachother is just being a good traveler. I choose not to judge people on what car they are driving on this path, nor the playlist they are using.
Bottom line is.....you cannot alter free will.
Edit: Thanks for having a great conversation with me. Even though we disagree. No name calling, and bullshit! Thank you for that
Prayer may be maifestation and meditation to you, but it's direct communication with Yashua to me.
I don't hear the voice of YHWH directly, but I do study the Bible and verses applicable to the situation pop in my head all the time.