We've pretty much beat the whole "ascension" thing to death but I just realized something and it's so simple and obvious.
🐸 Devocension? 🐸
Devolution = the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level
Ascension = the act of rising to an important position or a higher level
This is truth. I spent the previous 3 years with all kinds of health issues, was in and out of the hospital, and in much pain. I was suicidal. Then I started getting a little better. I started watching some Abraham Hicks videos on Youboob. I have always known that health was 95% attitude, and one day I realized I was never going to get better until I improved my attitude.
I started watching comedy first thing in the morning. I strove to stay in a good mood. My health has improved dramatically, and money started rolling in. The law of attraction works! Improving your mood, all by itself, can improve your life. The cabal uses fear and confusion to keep us compromised and unable to lift our vibration up.
For those that would say it's all new age bullshit, I would say look to your bibles. Lots of passages telling you to be of good cheer, not to fear, etc. Being greatful to God for your life and all that you have is also helpful. Raise that vibration then go out and be the change you want to see. It works.