328 Somebody has to say it... Rolling Stone eats HORSE DICKS. That's it. That's the title. They can ligma balls! (media.greatawakening.win) 🤡 MSM Rat Bastards 🤡 posted 2 years ago by PresidentialSeal 2 years ago by PresidentialSeal +331 / -3 65 comments download share 65 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Dang people!! ….”a friend” told me … can’t remember who….India. Hmmm…I (A)m getting On-line to (D)o a little resear(C)h. I’ve heard… $. 75 cents a pill and easy.
Yeah, I was ALL DAY at the CHEMIST as well. Picked up some tretinoin and careprost for pretty skin and lashes too!