I just contacted them, and they are not yet hearing from Patriots about how the company is helping the Chinese dictatorship by dropping the app that the protesters use for coordination. Also, Apple is threatening to drop Twitter from the Apple Store because the company believes in censorship, not free speech.
Go woke, go broke. Call and chat with the main company, and contact the Apple stores. Mention a pending boycott. Make it so these assholes can't walk the street. Spread the word. You guys are really good at that.
And, most important, look at Linux for your next computer, and a Musk phone if that happens ("Musk phone" sorta works, doesn't it?). I hope to hell Elon makes a phone. Any suggestions on hardware for a machine with Linux OS?
Send Apple on the downward spiral now enjoyed by Disney, Netflix, FaceBook, and Amazon. And don't forget Bed, Bath, and Beyond when they dropped My Pillow. You Patriots are kicking ass! Now it's time for Apple.
Dont get Dell Dell just stopped ads on twitter because bad man musk. Get compiter from Meta PC Its not a facebook company, Meta PC sponsers non woke tubers like The Quartering
Looks like this is them. Thanks for the recommendation. Personally, I build all my own desktops, but recommended Dell since I have firsthand (recent) experience using Linux on them, specifically, and they offer more regular consumer products that are reasonably priced.
MetaPC looks to have a year warranty period and is mainly specialty machines that might be overkill for 95% of folks on here (not to mention out of budget).
I completely understand the boycott game and do it myself (cancelled Paypal), but our options are limited already (and get even more limited if we start boycotting everything). Pick our battles - I only wish more normies would realize this and participate.
I built my own desktop years ago so I know what's inside and I can upgrade however I please. For example, I started with a hard drive and now have an SSD in it. It only gets sluggish when I have a dozen programs running and dozens of open browser windows with stuff going on. So I'll use it until the Windows in it fails and can't be replaced, then go to Linux. I already have Linux in a Virtual Box, as well as Windows XP so I run some favorite old software.
I agree that the boycotting is tricky. We need to do the best we can, but, you can see, that is doing a lot of good.
Many years ago, the company I work for replaced all the PCs with Dell. It took months to get them to work on the network. It was a fiasco. I wouldn't use a Dell, if I got it free.
Thanks for the info.