Conflict in Ukraine is doomed to escalate - Indian Punchline
Defining moment in the Battle of Donbass, as the 4-month long defiant Ukrainian resistance to the Russian offensive is ending The meet-up location of NATO foreign ministers on November 29-30— Bucharest — was where ten years ago, former US President George ...
Escalate? With what? Ukraine doesn't even have a standing army left. They keep drafting men and these men keep deserting or surrendering to the Russians (Don't blame them because I wouldn't fight for that wretched corrupt jew either). Since Zelensky's order of shooting deserters, Ukrainian officers are being fragged by their own men. Better to kill them before they kill you.
...with weapons provided by the empire... doesn't take a lot of personnel to fire missiles and man drones.....
That's true but the Russians can simply move their troops and occupy the whole country. Who's going to stop them NATO? bahabahbaha!!!!! Europe can even sustain themselves in peace time never mind war. The clincher is that the Ukrainian population would welcome the Russians with open arms. The absolutely despise that jew Zelensky
..and there are Poland, Hungary, Romania, Belarus, and even Transnistria who have historical claims - nibble, nibble.
Furthermore those hardened Kievites are getting mad because someone turned out the lights. They are rioting in the streets demanding that the power is turned back on. - apparently, they were told that the power was shut off to confuse the enemy...
...the Russians don't need to occupy anything...
...they can just sit there and watch Ukraine die a self-inflicted death...
possible scenario