I took an Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign, and domestic. That is my loyalty, not to the flag, not to the government, not to the president. A blind pledge is dangerous, and we see the results when people are indoctrinated by a tyrannical government hiding behind a symbol (flag) and going after anyone that disagrees with their agenda. They ignore and destroy the constitution all while standing under a flag that has been subverted.
FYI, The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a Socialist and was supposed to be something that could be used in any country. It was not inspired by America, nor for America. Words were later added to make it American, but my allegiance will never be to a flag. It will always be to the principles upon which our Republic was established, and to uphold and defend the Constitution, which IS the foundation of our Republic.
I took an Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign, and domestic. That is my loyalty, not to the flag, not to the government, not to the president. A blind pledge is dangerous, and we see the results when people are indoctrinated by a tyrannical government hiding behind a symbol (flag) and going after anyone that disagrees with their agenda. They ignore and destroy the constitution all while standing under a flag that has been subverted.
FYI, The Pledge of Allegiance was written by a Socialist and was supposed to be something that could be used in any country. It was not inspired by America, nor for America. Words were later added to make it American, but my allegiance will never be to a flag. It will always be to the principles upon which our Republic was established, and to uphold and defend the Constitution, which IS the foundation of our Republic.