Well, some kind of call anyway. A zoom call would presumably have a video of him collapsing. Going from very healthy to deceased in an instant. I had a friend die of SADS, found at home, never even put her hands out to break her fall. These deaths are tragic - and they're genocide.
"... Robinson suffered a medical emergency while on a Zoom call Wednesday. Police and paramedics were called and CPR was performed. However, first responders were unable to revive him.
Later, Robinson's wife, Brooke Robinson, confirmed her husband died in her arms. "David was very healthy and was on a work call in our dining room at home when he collapsed. ..."
David Robinson, 50, costar of DtBH was "very healthy" and simply "collapsed" while on a call.
While on a zoom call...
Well, some kind of call anyway. A zoom call would presumably have a video of him collapsing. Going from very healthy to deceased in an instant. I had a friend die of SADS, found at home, never even put her hands out to break her fall. These deaths are tragic - and they're genocide.
"... Robinson suffered a medical emergency while on a Zoom call Wednesday. Police and paramedics were called and CPR was performed. However, first responders were unable to revive him.
Later, Robinson's wife, Brooke Robinson, confirmed her husband died in her arms. "David was very healthy and was on a work call in our dining room at home when he collapsed. ..."