216 We aren't watching a movie . . . We're watching a Prime Time WWE Match between the Ye and the Mainstream Media! At this rate, they're going to have to rebrand to WW-YE! Grab your popcorn Anons, because this show is getting stupendous! (media.greatawakening.win) Kanye is RIGHT posted 2 years ago by Qanaut 2 years ago by Qanaut +219 / -3 101 comments download share 101 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I hope you do respond- why did Foxconn specifically need the land the University of Lawsonomy was on?
There are many reasons for why the 8th Wonder of the World needed to control the property of the University of Lawsonomy.
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What is the direct credits system?
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What was the real purpose of Joe Biden’s highly unusual move in Racine?
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What else did Lawson believe in?
Why was he targeted by the FBI?
What happened to his other works and research?
What was included in the sale?
What was the icon of his property?
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What is Knowledge?
What is Born Again?
Why was he derailed throughout his career?
What is his legacy?
Why would they want to control, consume, obfuscate and eliminate it?
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Why is Apple suddenly claiming they want to move iPhone manufacturing out of China?
Who is the largest private employer in China?