I think I saw somewhere that Elon Musk is the richest man in the world. He had over 250 billion dollars.
I also saw someone commenting on here a while back that he got that rich from government contracts. Military contracts to be specific.
So the military made themselves a guy like the left made Jack Dorsey, Zuckerman, Sergey Brin, et al? And they made him richer than all the rest combined?
Elon also has been touting the developement of a human brain machine interface. In my opinion such a thing is a cabal wet dream come true. Was he serious, or is he revealing what they are wanting to do? The subject wasn't getting much public exposure before, but there are old clips of it being discuss some time back.
Some how this seems like it might be part of a huge, complex, and long running plan.
Musk is a shepherd into the 4th Industrial Revolution, which started in 2012 with the CRISPR tech