If quoting the internal comms of trust and safety heads, and general counsel at twitter, and the dem politicans they talk to about silencing and banning James Woods and Kayleigh McEnany all in relation to the Hunter laptop from hell is 'russia', then I guess everyone is Putin.
Fiona Hill is as deep state traitor swamp-monster as they come by the way. Right up there with the likes of Victoria Nuland. If you havent seen the name before.. we gotchu. And for her to be gibbering like a crazy person is a sign that very good things are happening.
If quoting the internal comms of trust and safety heads, and general counsel at twitter, and the dem politicans they talk to about silencing and banning James Woods and Kayleigh McEnany all in relation to the Hunter laptop from hell is 'russia', then I guess everyone is Putin.
Fiona Hill is as deep state traitor swamp-monster as they come by the way. Right up there with the likes of Victoria Nuland. If you havent seen the name before.. we gotchu. And for her to be gibbering like a crazy person is a sign that very good things are happening.