Seth Rich? Come in Elon.
Where are the films taken from Epstein's Manhattan home?
Fixing censoring is good. But what about Adam Schiff at the Standard Hotel? Huma tapes? These are the crimes that must be exposed to get rid of this cabal. Mitch, Nancy, Mad Max, DiFi, Swallwell and the Chinese that run them and took over our country. We helped them, they did this in our name.
Seth Rich? Come in Elon. Where are the films taken from Epstein's Manhattan home?
Fixing censoring is good. But what about Adam Schiff at the Standard Hotel? Huma tapes? These are the crimes that must be exposed to get rid of this cabal. Mitch, Nancy, Mad Max, DiFi, Swallwell and the Chinese that run them and took over our country. We helped them, they did this in our name.
It's great that we can talk abot it now, though.
The Weiner laptop is another. Or maybe that's what you are referring to for the Huma tapes.