According to Q, in post 142 "the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital."
Of all the things Q has said, that is one hell of a spicy comment to make, but what could possibly do that?
Ever since they posted it I have been wondering but nothing I can think of fits.
I mean, even if all the world's worst conspiracies were suddenly revealed to be true, it wouldn't put us all in the emergency ward. Most of us would just go DAYUM, and carry on.
Could we have been implanted with something so that if truths come out the cabal has a global kill switch, something like the plot from Kingsman maybe? The ultimate blackmail?
I realize that is nuts (kek), but a simple truth by itself, how could that put us in hospital?
Any ideas?
So I am paraphrasing, it was in a recent SGT report interview.
They took the crosses (all 3 of them) and threw them into a pit to make sure it didn't become some sort of powerful martyr symbol. I think Constantine ordered them to find it and dig it up.
They finally found them. Two of the crosses had nails that were rusty and one had nails that were pristine. No rust, shiny, new looking.
They brought a sick woman who was dying and she touched the two with rusty nails, nothing happened. Then she touched the pristine one and was cured. That's how they knew it was the cross Jesus was on.
Listen to that podcast if you're interested. It is really intriguing.