If it poses any threat to the mainstream narrative, the FDA and Big Pharma want it shut down. Years ago I attended some lectures on the subject, but I stopped going because it sounded too much like Hogwarts. The dilution factors often exceeded Avogadro's number, and it was hard to understand (or at least validate) its therapeutic efficacy. Like acupuncture, it's been around a long time, and there seems to be virtually no harm in trying these agents. The fact the FDA wants to ban them automatically makes me wonder if there is more to them than originally thought.
Don't be a moron. Somehow they managed to come out with plenty of studies in support of hydoxychloroquine and ivermectin despite being fought by the establishment tooth and nail. So, why can't homeopathic medicine do the same?
Because it doesn't fucking work.
Do some research on homeopathic provings! My mother has been practicing homeopathic medicine fire 40 years and has been writing a book about her cases and provings, based on chart notes and years of dedicated patient/doctor visits. It’s truly amazing what can be done with homeopathic medicine! My dear husband smashed his hand at the mill recently and I’ve been dosing him with Arnica 200c. Swelling, throbbing down, remarkably, healing up nice and quick. Don’t knock it before you try it
Cite me literally one peer-reviewed study.
Wow, you sound like my atheist socialist brother.
One among many. All it takes is a little digging, as you should know.
Study group of 50 people is not statistically significant, that's just bad science.