If it poses any threat to the mainstream narrative, the FDA and Big Pharma want it shut down. Years ago I attended some lectures on the subject, but I stopped going because it sounded too much like Hogwarts. The dilution factors often exceeded Avogadro's number, and it was hard to understand (or at least validate) its therapeutic efficacy. Like acupuncture, it's been around a long time, and there seems to be virtually no harm in trying these agents. The fact the FDA wants to ban them automatically makes me wonder if there is more to them than originally thought.
I'd agree here, but:
The FDA's role here is the question. Homeopathic preparations are just water. So long as they're done in clean conditions, there is no harm. FDA's job there is to ensure the shops are clean and that they're not getting bacteria or fungal contaminants.
It is true the FDA also arbitrates efficacy. However, numerous types of healing with no demonstrable benefit are legal in this country. You can stick needles in your body, get massages, get a shaman to wave a stick over you and chant. All of that is safe and legal. Is it effective? Probably no more effective than a placebo (placebo effect), but the FDA doesn't ban it.
If we're going to start banning homeopathy, it needs to be consistent across the board, and it needs to be done as an act of Congress, not an arbitrary declaration from Pfizer's cronies using the FDA to clear out the competition.